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Spectrum DC Drive Protection & Performance Features
Six SCR Full Wave Power Bridge - Provides improved form factor for greater efficiency of operation. | Field Loss Protection - Provides protection against runaway, due to loss of motor field, by shutting down the drive |
Inner Loop Current Regulator - Inherent high band width capability for fast response | Dual Frequency Operation - Controls may be operated from 50 or 60 Hz AC power supplies by a simple jumper change. |
Separately Adjustable Linear Accel / Decel Control - 2-30 seconds. | Exclusive Static Adjustable Current Limit - Allows static setting of desired current limit value without applying DC power and without a connected output load. A current limit indicating light is also supplied to provide visual indication when the preset current limit value is reached. |
Speed Regulator - Two percent accuracy armature voltage feedback with IR compensation or 1% accuracy with tachometer feedback. Regulation may be improved by selecting the proper motor mounted tachometer. | Exclusive Static Adjustable Current Limit - Allows static setting of desired current limit value without applying DC power and without a connected output load. A current limit indicating light is also supplied to provide visual indication when the preset current limit value is reached. |
Current (Torque) Regulator - One percent accuracy armature current regulator allows the operator to control motor torque instead of speed. | Isolated Control Circuitry - High impedance resistor isolation of the control circuits from the power bus provides protection in the event of a ground fault. The ammeter speed potentiometer, and tachometer are not at line potential. Current transformers on each of the three AC lines provide an isolated armature current signal to the main circuit board. When tachometer feedback is employed, the drive control circuits are completely isolated from the AC power bus. |
DC Overload (Armature) - Senses overcurrent with in verse time trip. | Jog at Preset Speed - Separately adjustable from 0 to 30% of base speed. |
AC Line Connections - The Spectrum is completely insensitive to AC line phase sequencing. | Control Regulator Circuit Board - Common circuitry throughout the Spectrum line of controls. Spectrum 1 and 2 use the same board. The Spectrum 3 and 4 boards have an extra one inch margin on the left and right sides but all are electrically identical. |
Heat Sink Thermal Switch - Prevents long term thermal damage to SCRs due to loss of cooling or overheating (not included on Spectrum 1 which has no cooling fan). | Instantaneous Overcurrent Protection - Senses armature fault currents quickly to protect both semiconductors and motors against damaging current levels. |
Main Circuit Board Indicators - Light emitting diodes (LEDs) on the main circuit board for: AC Power ON, DC Power, Current Limit, DC Overload, Phase Loss, Fault Trip. In addition, six separate LEDs indicate that each firing circuit is producing SCR gate trigger pulses. | High Speed Current Limiting SCR Semiconductor Fuses - Provided the utmost in the fuse coordination and protection of the SCRs and motor with positive circuit clearing for both AC and DC faults. |
Fault Trip - Instantaneous fault trip protection circuit designed to shut the drive down if any of the following conditions occur: Field Loss (Defeatable) Heat Sink Overtemperature (Except Spectrum 1) Instantaneous Overcurrent (300% of rated) Inverse Time DC Overload. |
AC Line Filter Transient Voltage Suppressor Network - Eliminates interaction between other drives or AC equipment. |
Test / Reset - If any of the previously described fault conditions occur, the drive can be reset by depressing the RESET button on the main circuit board. The Fault Light will not reset if the fault condition is still present. |
Standard Adjustments - Maximum speed, minimum speed, jog speed, separate acceleration and deceleration time, stability, current limit, and IR compensation. |
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